Welcome to 6th Chilliwack Scouting Home Page

In Loving Memory Of a fallen Scouter
Jeffrey Allen Kerr
You are Vister Number

This is the Scouting Home Page
Hi There
This is the First time that 6th Chilliwack Scouting Group has made a Web Page.We would like you to stay and read up on the 6th Chilliwack Scouting Group, and some of the things that we do in Our programs. Some of the thing's that are being done is our paper drive that happens every Month, Food Bank Drive, Scout Trees
About Us
This is a little about the 6th Chilliwack Scouting Group and some of the People at 6th, The Group has been around since 1957 and has been going since then, Some leaders have been in the Group for a long time, the Ventures leaders have gone the the Scouting movement at 6th and are still with us.
One of our Scout leaders was a Scout with us and now has returned to us to be a leader, he is also in the militia.
One of our Cub leaders was a Rover with our Group and returned to be a Beaver leader and now has moved up to the pack level.
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6th Chilliwack Beavers
Visit 6th Chilliwack Beavers Web Page

6th Chilliwack Cub's
Visit 6th Chilliwack Cub's Web Page
Or if your on ICQ the Akela can be Reached at ICQ Number 15714671, Contact for Scouting Only

6th Chilliwack Scout's
Visit 6th Chilliwack Scouts Web Page
Or if your on ICQ the Scout Master can be Reached at ICQ Number 19611422, Contact for Scouting Only

6th Chilliwack Ventures

6th Chilliwack Group Committee
This Page will be continuously up dated, So please comeBACK Soon.
Last updated by 6th Chilliwack Scouting Group on 10/27/98
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